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Is it true that low hCG levels during pregnancy are a sign of miscarriage

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone level is one of the things that doctors examine to control health in pregnancy. If the hCG level is low, it could be an early sign of miscarriage. Is that right? Come on, check the facts! The hormone hCG is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This hormone level can be checked through a blood test, or detected in urine using a testpack. This hormone plays a role so that the body continues to produce progesterone which prevents the menstrual process, so that the pregnancy is protected.

HCG Hormone Levels During Pregnancy

Under normal conditions, hCG levels in urine are less than 5 mIU / ml. Whereas a woman who is positively pregnant has hCG levels of more than 25 mIU / ml. In a healthy pregnancy, hCG levels double every 2-3 days during the first trimester of pregnancy. The level of hCG in pregnant women that drops dramatically in the first trimester within a period of 2-3 days, after 2 examinations, can mean a miscarriage will occur. Especially if there are already miscarriage symptoms, such as bleeding. This is the reason doctors monitor hCG levels early in pregnancy. While the fall in hCG levels in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, is generally not a sign of danger. In addition to early signs of miscarriage, low levels of hCG can be an indication of other conditions as below:
  • Miscalculating gestational age

  • Low hCG levels are sometimes caused by incorrect calculation of gestational age which is thought to be 6-12 weeks, apparently not that long. To find out the actual age, further hCG testing and ultrasound examination are usually required.
  • Empty pregnancy

  • An empty or blighted ovum occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, but does not develop. This makes the hCG hormone also remains low. The egg will then decay like normal menstruation. Some pregnant women do not even realize they have experienced this condition.
  • Ectopic pregnancy

  • An ectopic pregnancy occurs if the fertilized egg does not develop in the uterus. This dangerous condition can cause severe bleeding and rupture of the fallopian tubes. Now, by detecting levels of hCG that are below normal, doctors can find out this condition early, so that complications can be prevented

What to do?

Nothing can be done when pregnant women experience low hCG. If you experience it, you need to understand that low levels of hCG is not because there is something wrong that you did. In addition, if this low hormone level is really a sign of miscarriage, it does not mean you can no longer get pregnant. Generally hCG levels will still be detected until at least eight weeks after a miscarriage. That means you can get positive results if you do a pregnancy test during this period. The doctor will monitor these hormone levels regularly until they return to normal. Low levels of hCG during pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage. However, with the assistance of a doctor and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can re-plan a healthy pregnancy.


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